An LMS for compliance training is clearly essential since it supports digital learning methods to train employees for the sole purpose of prevention, mitigation and adherence to rules and guidelines

eLearning via an LMS is increasingly becoming a mainstay for certain companies such as Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Healthcare, Finance and the like because, of course, compliance training is essential in such regulated industries – everyone from manufacturing, quality, process, testing to sales teams and more. Preparing employees to prevent and mitigate incidents in the workplace has always been important so it is vital for HR and L&D teams to educate employees on appropriate work culture, safety measures, and legal guidelines. Even in less regulated industries instances of discrimination, sexual harassment, workplace violence, etc. are risks to organization’s and need preventative training. The technology behind R8 LMS has been used extensively in these industries. 


Organization tell us they often face difficulties in keeping track of employees who tend to avoid compliance training. A compliance training LMS identifies these individuals. It also identifies employees who have completed it.

Important topics to address are:

  • Use of IT resources during work-from-home
  • HR compliance requirements while working-from-home
  • Workplace harassment and factors that cause it
  • Managing vendor relationships and best practices
  • Managing customer interactions
In-house content is often created and stored inefficiently and therefore perhaps not available or to hand when training new employees. R8 LMS can be used as a vehicle to ensure quick and easy access to training materials. 


Compliance training can often be an unattractive, time-consuming and  boring activity. R8 LMS allows training to take the form of an interactive course, which entices learners to complete the exercise.

More remote working has increased, and online training needs to be conducted to ensure proper procedures are followed.

R8 LMS stores your company compliance courses and records in its central repository, ready to report on and train new and old employees alike.